This is how WhatsApp comes to the Apple Watch

 WhatsApp is now represented on many platforms. While smartphones are of course supported (except for devices with an operating system that is too old), computers were added later. To be more precise, the whole thing runs via the browser, but you can also install a desktop version. The latter is available for both Windows and macOS. The iPad should also be equipped with a corresponding application at some point. However, one group of devices has been neglected so far, more precisely it is about the smartwatches. An incoming WhatsApp message is displayed on the watch, but an entire chat history remains hidden. This is important, for example, when you no longer know the content of the conversation so precisely and you need a little support.

The “WristChat” app, which was written by developer Adam Foot, now provides a remedy. He is also responsible for the "WristBoard" keyboard app (this is also specific to the Apple Watch).

That's how it's done

1) In the first step, the WristChat app is installed on the Apple Watch.

2) A QR code will then appear on the watch.

3) This must now be scanned with the iPhone.

4) Done, the Apple smartwatch already has access to WhatsApp and its content. Of course, this also means group chats and you can scroll through and reply in a relaxed manner. Incidentally, the well-known ticks that signal a message as delivered or read are also included.

The different ways to answer

As already mentioned, the clock can also be used to reply. The possibilities for this amount to, among other things, the solutions provided by Apple. This means the scribble function and voice input. The latter is rather impractical for public areas, while longer sentences become torture in the truest sense of the word when scribbling. This is due to the fact that each letter has to be drawn individually on the screen.

An unofficial solution would be Adam Foot's WristBoard keyboard. It also has the advantage that older Apple Watch models are also supported. The official keyboard from Apple is only available for the Series 7.

Privacy is an important issue

A special feature is not only the creation of a shortcut for a direct and quick start, but privacy also plays an important role. This applies in particular to the watch models with an always-on display, because incoming WhatsApp messages are only displayed when the display is fully activated. Strangers can therefore not simply read the chats when they arrive.

There are costs

Developer Adam Foot puts a lot of work into his projects, so it's understandable that they aren't free. But you don't have to throw yourself into the expense, because WristChat only costs €2.99. The WristBoard keyboard also costs €2.99, but a package is also offered. With this, both applications cost €3.99. So you save almost 2 €.

Not perfect yet

According to some customer reviews, WristChat still seems to be struggling with a few problems. For example, the messages take a long time to load and the battery consumption is also still too high. However, since the developer is known for regular updates, the difficulties should gradually disappear. Then the app is definitely a recommendation to be able to use WhatsApp extensively on the Apple Watch.

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